Cat logomenu


page 10


latest post to deviantart! me and my sisters, drawn as an x-mas gift for my mom. left one is Suey, my big sister who is a biologist and lives in canada at the moment. the middle one is me, and the right one is Kaitlin, my little sister who is studying anthropology in belgium.

I love this artist.

January 4, 2013









We have to understand that no matter what we do with our lives we will never be as awesome as Christopher Lee is.

I will never get over how he corrected Peter Jackson on the proper sound a man makes when he’s been stabbed in the back because he actually worked in the British clandestine services.

Or how he volunteered to fight in one of the most brutal fronts of WWII (the Finnish-Russian Winter War).

Or how he was fucking NAZI HUNTER.

Basically, Christopher Lee is the real Most Interesting Man in the world and I honestly don’t know why we tell Chuck Norris jokes when this badass is walking around.

And then I see him rambling on about how Saruman and Gandalf are actually Istari, which are one of the Maia in the LotR commentaries and I realize he literally cannot become more awesome.

Oh can’t he?

#Christopher Lee wrote a Metal Opera about Charlemagne #all opinions are irrelevant

I just read up on that and now I regret I didn’t include it! The man is 90 years old and he’s releasing a metal album next year. ACTUAL MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD CHRISTOPHER LEE.


he is also related to Ian Flaming, they are cousins 

he’s way too amazing XD

Holy crap.

December 31, 2012


A very quick speed painting of The Necromancer of Dol Guldur!

December 17, 2012


I’ve been waiting to draw Ariel so here she is: )

if she were in more modern times, maybe she could of found headphones XD ?

I can’t even describe how happy this made me.

December 10, 2012

December 8, 2012

December 8, 2012


Day 15 #pokernightmovie

Who is taking the time to write such pretty numbers?

December 5, 2012

There is no reason to ever have the same thought twice, unless you like having that thought. — David Allen, Getting Things Done

December 4, 2012

December 3, 2012

Nerve Ranks the Disney Princesses in Order of Feminism

And it’s so cute, although I do not agree about Belle, who voluntarily imprisons herself to save another human being. (Via Jezebel)

July 12, 2012